Located at Latitude 55° 00.3 north and Longitude 007° 19.2 west, Foyle Port Marina is 17 miles from the mouth of Lough Foyle and consists of two pontoons, one a 200 metre long wooden structure the second a 140 metre concrete structure offering in excess of 600 metres of secure deep water berthing.

Berths availble for yachts up to 1000 tonnes

Waste reception facilities

24 hour CCTV security

Shore power (240V & 440V available)

Toilet and shower facilities

Access for key card holders only

Fresh water facilities

Full wheelchair access and separate toilet facilities

Local regional transport links

Vessels can berth either side of the pontoons in depths of between 5 and 7 metres at low water. A well-marked navigation channel with a maintained channel depth of 8 metres at low water will guide you through the lough.
Foyle Port Marina is within easy walking distance of the vibrant city centre where you will find restaurants, bars, cinemas, some of the best shopping in Northern Ireland and a host of tourist attractions. Launderette and chandlery stores are also nearby.

For vessel under 15 metres and for short-stay visits (up to 30 days) at the Foyle Port Marina, reserve a berth and pay in advance by clicking the Reserve Short Stay button below.
Charges are calculated per metre x per night.
All prices include VAT.
Please be aware Lough Foyle is an active shipping channel and therefore all craft must call Harbour Radio using VHF channel 14 to announce their presence and be provided updates on vessel traffic.
If you make a booking but cannot attend please cancel your reservation in advance by contacting us.
Details provided during your booking will be used solely for the purpose of your visit. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for further details.
Vessels over 15 metres in length or wishing to stay at the marina for longer than 30 days can reserve a berth by completing the Long-stay reservation form below. All other bookings please use the short-stay booking form.
Charges are calculated per metre.
Summer | Winter | Annual |
£115 | £78 | £157 |
For vessels over 15 metres please complete the reservation form and we will get back in touch.
All prices include VAT.

UK Customs Pleasure Craft reporting requirements
From 1 January 2022, all pleasure craft arriving into, and departing from, the UK and the Isle of Man (including those arriving in and departing from EU Countries) must report in accordance with the published requirements.
Code of Practice for the Safe Operation of Recreational Craft
The Irish Department of Transport have issued a Code of Practice containing legislative information, safety advice and best practice operational guidance for owners, masters and users of a range of recreational craft that operate in Irish coastal and inland waters.
Users of the Code of Practice can scan the following QR code to view all relevant information (external link).